Archive for June, 2017


Posted: June 16, 2017 in Audio, HA, House, Work Stuff

Well, apparently it’s been almost 6 months since I last posted…. where did the time go? New job, new projects and general family I guess.

Anyway, I had been playing with the HiFiPi, but I got sidetracked by trying to get it working with Logitech Media Server that runs on the family server… that way I can integrate it with OpenHAB and control it around the house (read turn off the kids music after bedtime!). That diverted into trying to get a touchscreen working and then the Pi got requisitioned for a different project…

A MagicMirror project…. that then involved me writing a couple of public transport modules – bus stop info and railway info just because I felt the need to write something! The not being a developer/R&D engineer occasionally bites.

That led to me rebuilding OpenHAB (again) using the new OpenHABian RPi image and then trying to tidy up the sprawl that our OH installation had become. Basically trying to make it a bit more ‘logical’; grouping rooms by floor and use, new targeted site maps and stuff like that rather than having one huge file for all items, one for rules, one multi-level sitemap etc etc. I’m now involved in helping to test a new OH binding that is used to control the Honeywell EvoHome system.

I’ve also finally got a reasonable amp and speakers in the lounge… but of course that meant cleaning up the rats nest of cables behind the AV cupboard and retiring as part of installing the amp!

So I have been doing stuff… I’ve just been too busy actually doing it to blog about it.